For Simeons Florist to process your order, we need information such as your full name, email address, contact number, your billing address, delivery address and payment details.
Please note, if you do not receive an email confirmation, your order has not been processed. Please contact Simeons Florist by phoning ( 61 3) 9532 8866 or by emailing
Orders will not be despatched until payment in full has been received and staff are satisfied with the integrity of the order.
To avoid delays with processing your order, please ensure your credit card number is accurately entered into our secure online ordering system. We will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible if there are any issues, however please be advised that your order cannot be dispatched until payment has been confirmed.
It is your obligation to enter the correct delivery address details at the time of ordering. If the delivery details you have given are incorrect, Simeons Florist will not refund. Should you wish to send the flowers again it will be at full expense to the customer.
Normal delivery hours for Simeons Florist are between 9am and 5pm Mon-Sat. Simeons Florist offers same day delivery for orders submitted before 2pm AEST Monday to Friday, and by 12 noon AEST Saturdays.
Simeons Florist cannot guarantee a specific delivery time. We will make every attempt to fulfil your request but cannot guarantee it.
As Simeons Florist is closed on public holidays, we will deliver your gift on the next business day.
Prices of goods and services and delivery and other charges displayed on the web-site are current at the time of display. These prices are subject to variation without notice.
We will always attempt to be as accurate as possible with our product descriptions and pricing.
All prices quoted are inclusive of GST and all prices are quoted in Australian dollars.
Flowers/Plants are seasonal and subject to availability on the day of delivery.
Hamper items are subject to availability on the day of delivery.
Containers are subject to availability on the day and may be substituted.
Products/colours/containers may vary in regional/interstate areas.
These Terms and Conditions govern the use of (the web-site) and the purchase of any goods from it.
The web-site is owned and operated by Simeons Florist Pty Ltd.
Please note that by accessing, using or browsing this web-site you agree to be bound by its terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability ("Terms and Conditions"). Simeons Florist reserves the right to amend or update such terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability at any time without providing notice to you. By using the web-site, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions.
If you purchase goods and services from or create a customer registration account with us, we may require you to provide your name, address, email address, credit card number or other details ("customer information"). We may subsequently require further details to enable the processing of any orders that you make. You agree to provide Simeons Florist with current, complete and accurate customer information when asked to do so by the web-site or an employee of Simeons Florist.
If you need further assistance please contact our Customer Assistance Team on ( 61 3) 9532 8866 or